‘You must support the weak
Remember the worde of the Lord Seous
that He said, ‘It is more bleased to give than to
Acts 20:35
We are called to care for the sick.
Pupils and staff raised for Macmillan, with a coffee morning.
By bringing and buying cakes, we served by helping care and heal
the sick, by contributing towards funds which pay for research and nurses to care for those with cancer.
‘Be devoted to one another in love.
Honour one another above yourselves.
Never lack in determination,
but Keep your spirit strong, serving the Lord.
Be jouful in hope,
patient in times of difficulty,
faithful in prayer
Share with those in need
and welcome them.’
Romans 12:10-13
We are called to comfort and heal..
In November, pupils ‘showed their spots’ and donated to Children in
Need, raising an amazing £48 for children who need extra support.
‘For even the son of man did not come to be served.
but to serve.
and to give his life as a ransom for many.’
Mark 10:45
We are called to honour the dead.
In November, St Mary’s served the memory of our local hero’s who died
in wars.
Pupils, family members, and members of the
community came into school to make poppies.
Staff and pupils worked to create a beautiful display for the school hall.