Please choose from the news feed tabs below:
Mission Week
Week beginning 26th June we will be celebrating our school Mission week. As you may know this year All schools in our trust are invited to participate in a special Nicholas Postgate mass which will take place across the parishes on Sunday 2nd of July. ( for more information on this please contact your local […]
Feast of the Annunciation
This Saturday 25th March the Church will celebrate the Feast of the Annunciation: the Gospel story that is the inspiration for our school mission. ‘Fiat Mihi’ Let it be with me. (Luke 1:38). In celebration of our school patron’s feast day, we will be spending time reflecting on Mary’s obedience to God’s will each day […]
Class Led Liturgies
Thursday 2nd March- Year 3 Class Led Liturgy- 9:00 am start Thursday 9th March- Year 4 Class Led Liturgy- 9:00 am start Thursday 16th March- Year 5 Class Led Liturgy- 9:00 am start Thursday 23rd March- Year 6 Class Led Liturgy- 9:00 am start Thursday 30th March- Treehouse Class Led Liturgy- 9:00 am start
Holy Week
27th – 30th March: ‘Holy Week’ themed liturgies will be led by each class in Key Stage 2: Monday 27th March Y3- 9:00 – 9:15am Tuesday 28th March Y4- 9:00 – 9:15am Wednesday 29th March Y5- 9:00 – 9:15am Thursday 30th March Y6- 9:00 – 9:15am Thursday 30th March Treehouse- 9:00 – 9:15am please make […]
Easter Bonnet Competition
O , ‘ ‘ .’ , , , , . , ‘ ‘ ! ‘ ! #FiatMihi #StMarysEasterBonnetCompetition #StMarysSuperStars#iThrive
Red Nose Day
17th March: ‘Red Nose Day’ Children are invited to wear a red nose day and their own clothes for a suggested donation of £1 which will go towards tackling racial inequality & poverty in the UK.
Dates for Diaries
Please see attached letter containing all dates and events that are happening in school. 24.5.24 Diary Dates
World Book Day 2023
Children can come to school wearing what they love Suggested donation of £1 via ParentPay, which will go towards ‘school funds.’ Thank you. #WorldBookDay #worldbookday2023