In July 2022 all pupils engaged in a School Mission week.
Following on from our school motto Fiat Mihi, Pupils and staff were invited to explore the sermon on the mount, where we hear the Beatitudes. We thought about how our own attitude can affect the world we live in, and our own lives.
The week followed a daily theme
BE- Reflective
BE Connected
Classes then focused on our school values and explored ways they could live these values out in school
Early Years: Grateful
Year 1- Loving
Year 2 Compassionate
Year 3:Generous
Year 4& 5:Hopeful , Honest Curious & Wise
Year 6 handed on their Prefect badges during a beautiful liturgy as a symbol of their transition into Secondary education and that they pass the school mission on to your year 5 pupils who will lead the school as prefects next year.
Year 6 Pupil’s prayer for the end of the week:
As we come to the end of a special mission week, we reflect on the wonderful work we have seen today. From nursery to year 6 we have all found ways to trust in God and say Yes, just as Mary did. We have learned that like Mary we too are chosen, special and loved. Our hope for the future is that we continue to be brave as Mary was, find ways to say Yes to God and believe in ourselves.
We ask God to bless all the children at St. Mary’s and help them remember how special each of them are.
We ask God to bless each of our teachers and classroom adults, that with the love of God they continue to help each of us learn and grow.
We pray for our adults at home that With God nothing is impossible.