Curriculum Intent:
Our curriculum is framed by shared Catholic values, high expectations and the highest ambition for all our pupils.
All children are taught in love. They know love. They show love.
- At St Mary’s we are proud to offer a dynamic, inclusive and nurturing learning environment, an education which inspires academic excellence and confidence for life. Our ‘i-Thrive’ approach, to the quality of education we provide, ensures all children reach their full potential.
- Our children know that like Mary, they too are special; they are chosen; they are loved. We are inspired by Mary’s bravery to say ‘YES’ to God’s call, and just like Mary, when we say yes to new opportunities our lives can change forever.
Our approach underpins our belief that every pupil, regardless of background or barrier to learning, reaches their full potential.
Our principles:
- A curriculum with the content, coverage and sequencing necessary so that all pupils receive their entitlement
- consistently high-quality teaching and learning, which meets our curriculum intent and pupils’ needs
- appropriately timed and precise interventions
- a pastoral perspective
- a relationship approach to working with families
Our curriculum design is shaped by research that shows the greatest curricular impact is from the quality of the pupil’s classroom experience. We support the pupil in class wherever possible so that they are not withdrawn unnecessarily.
This is key to promoting their:
- self-confidence
- self-esteem
- participation in learning
- confidence and positive social interaction
Class teachers have the highest expectations of all pupils. Pupils are supported to work constantly to improve their personal best, which raises self-esteem and contribution. St Mary’s Curriculum is:
- Connected
- Cumulative
- Coherent
The curriculum is broad and literacy rich. Schemes of learning are underpinned by evidence, research and cognitive science. Blocks of learning are deliberately sequenced for robust progression There is an emphasis on oracy and vocabulary acquisition, retention and use to break down learning barriers and accelerate progress. A rich diet of language and vocabulary is deliberately planned. Teachers are advocates of beautiful reading.
Specific skills are discreetly taught and practised so that they become transferable. Lessons activate prior learning, build on skills and deepen knowledge and understanding. Learning, vocabulary and content is cumulative; content is learned, retrieved and built upon.
Substantive knowledge and concepts are mapped out in each subject area; key knowledge is revisited and reinforced.
Curriculum Implementation
St Mary’s has a coherent school wide model of pedagogy across the school and across subjects. This can be seen in the responsive teaching model:
Retrieve – Knowledge
Remember more, know more, learn more
Model – Curious
The teacher model subject matter clearly and prompts discussion
Check for Understanding – Articulate
Effective questioning to assess understanding and identify misconceptions accurately; provide clear, direct feedback; responding and adapting their teaching as necessary
Applied Learning – Aspire
Provide a challenging, ambitious curriculum for all learners. Through a united approach and high expectations, all classes promote a culture of: high challenge, low threat.
- Curriculum plans are well structured and set out in a way which builds on prior learning, ensures high expectations and supports teacher workload.
- From their earliest time in the school, children have clear and high expectations in their work and this is evidenced in pupils’ books across all age groups. Assessment is finely tuned to identify and respond to positives and aspects needing improvement. Aspire/challenge stickers and other incentives are used to further drive progress.
- Teachers demonstrate a high level of ambition for their pupils and the ongoing use of questioning; vocabulary building and application are features of agreed pedagogy.
Every pupil knows love and show loves.
Every pupil is brave and ready to answer their ‘Yes ‘to God’s calling.
Every pupil acquires knowledge and skills preparing for their next phase in education.
Every pupil, regardless of background or barrier to learning reaches their full potential.
To find out more information about our curriculum, please follow the link below to the National Curriculum or contact school and ask to speak to our Teaching & Learning Lead Mr Stammers
Please click here to view our long term plans