NPCAT Menu Autumn 2024

We employ Caterlink Catering Services to provide our school meals. All children within Key Stage One receive a Free School Meal. Meals are freshly prepared daily and offer a varied choice of tasty, value for money, nutritious meals.

Parentpay is used for collection of lunch money. Please speak to the school office if you are having problems login on to Parentpay.  School meals cost £2.70 a day, £13.50 a week.

To see if you are eligible for free school meals please click on the link This can also be found on our website, Parents & Pupils – Key Information – Apply for free school meals

We regard the lunchtime as an important social occasion and pupils are encouraged to sit with their friends. Our school staff provide the necessary support and supervision for all, but particularly for our younger boys and girls.

Healthy packed lunch

If you decide to send your child with a packed lunch please help us to promote healthy eating by providing a healthy balanced lunch. Packed lunches should be a light balanced snack of nutritious food to enable your child to access learning effectively.

Water will be available on the dining tables for all children to drink. Children are encouraged to drink plenty of water during the school in an effort to address dehydration.

We are a nut free school, therefore please do not put any nut products in your child’s packed lunch.

Healthy Schools award

We are very proud to have been awarded the National Healthy Schools Award in recognition of our commitment to promoting good health in the community and we continue to work towards promoting a healthier lifestyle at St Mary’s. Staff actively promote the importance of adequate levels of exercise and sleep for all children to enable them to develop a healthy lifestyle and effective.